Saturday, September 23, 2006

Movie: Cinderella Man

We watched Cinderella Man for the first time last night (at bit behind the rest of the world, I know).

To start, I'll have to admit that I just do not understand boxing, or why anyone would want to box. It amounts to senseless violence in my mind. So, obviously, I spent a good part of this movie with my eyes covered. It is a good story though, and I appreciated the integrity with which James Braddock conducted his life outside of the ring.


Beverly said...

Hahahaha..I cover my eyes too. Please explain to me how we have a sport where you can beat the crud out of someone and it be legal? is involved...I guess..

Yes, this movie was sweet!

reJoyce said...

I've often thought I should get half price admission to movies with violence - I always cover my eyes for the owie parts. So, I'm not seeing the whole movie, right? Should be cheaper. Ha. Fat chance.

Money does seem to have the ability to cover a multitude of sins, does it not?

Stephen said...

He conducted his life with in integrity in the ring, too, at least according to the movie. No low blows, no cheating, etc.

reJoyce said...

Okay. I'll give you that one. But ... it seems sort of like being polite to someone and apologizing as you are mugging them. Yes, you were nice about it, but you still shouldn't be doing it.