Monday, October 23, 2006

Travel with Me: Peru

Well, darn. I can't remember where this is (other than it is in Peru). I remember there is a story about my husband Steve and his brother hiking around this peninsula, but for the life of me I don't recall the name. Perhaps he'll have mercy on me when he sees this post and remind me where this is. Until then, this is one of my favorite shots from my first visit to Peru last November.


Anonymous said...

The name of the beach is "La Herradura" which means "horseshoe" because that is how it is shaped. It was one of the places Steve was wanting to see, but it was out of range for most of your perigrinations until that last day when Maximo and Gloria took us around in their van.
In my collection I have a picture of John and Steve digging in the sand on the beach on Steve's 9th birthday. That is what he wanted to do for his birthday even though it was August, winter, cold. That was the summer we took the four youngest kids for six weeks (back "home" for them.) Lois surprised us by coming to join us without telling us beforehand. If I run across that picture again sometime, I'll send it to you.

reJoyce said...

Hi Jan. I did remember how we got there, just not the name. I remember the nice icecream we got shortly after that, too. Thanks! And, I'd enjoy seeing the photo sometime.

BTW, great word!

per‧e‧gri‧na‧tion  [per-i-gruh-ney-shuhn]

1. travel from one place to another, esp. on foot.
2. a course of travel; journey.

[Origin: 1425–75; late ME peregrinacioun (< MF peregrinacion) < L peregrīnātiōn- (s. of peregrīnātiō) a traveling abroad. See peregrinate, -ion]

Anonymous said...

And also, I seem to remember that Glenn and I sat in a restaurant where we could keep an eye on the boys without getting cold.