Sunday, July 30, 2006

Family: Camp Tanda

Last week my husband's family held a reunion at Camp Tanda in Lake Big Bear, California. This was a reunion of just his immediate family. All together there were around 60 people in attendance - his mom, seven siblings and their spouses, their kids their spouses (when applicable), and grandkids (also when applicable).

The last time all his siblings were together was nine years ago, so it was a sweet gathering. They see each other en mass so seldom that they really cut right through all the superficial and head straight for heart matters. We spent a good part of the week hearing what was on each persons heart and in their plans and then praying for them.

There was time for some playing between the praying and it was a joy to see the cousins all running around playing soccer, the uncles competing at horseshoes and the aunts visiting over cups of coffee. Lots of good catching up.

One of my nieces was telling about her husband's family reunions that often end in fisticuffs (the last time it was two aunts) and I realize that it really is a blessing to be able to get that many people together and there not be any major conflicts.

SIDE NOTE: I did not supply the link to Camp Tanda earlier because I refuse to do so without a warning. Click if you want, but be forwarned that the site supplies very little information and plays some relatively obnoxious music that can't be stopped.


happytheman said...

Oh Camp Tanda why I love it so little. We used to laugh when we were at camp because you could hear the sounds of Big Bear at night. So glad we moved to Idylwild a few years later.

So cool the family was together anyone attend a So. Cal. church, I didn't recognize anyone. Though I am 13 years removed from there.

reJoyce said...

My husband went to camp there as a kid, but since then the houses have grown up all around it. It's in the middle of a neighborhood now. Strange.

My MIL and a couple of my SIL's live in the San Deigo area now and attend church there. My husband's family lived in El Centro for many years.

Where did you live/go to church?

happytheman said...

Lived in Long Beach went to Los Altos, not much of a church goer prior to 1980. But did go to Tanda with Uptown once.