Monday, June 19, 2006

I Hate Michigan Lefts

That's not a political statement, by the way. That is a statement about driving.

Driving in America, when one comes to an intersection and wants to turn left, one does so. Usually there are different options for the turn - including turn lanes, flashing lights and so on - but you are allowed to do so. Here in Michigan, the land of the traffic engineer from Hell, we have Michigan lefts. Forget just waiting for your green or a break in traffic. Depending on the intersection you must either go straight through the light, do a U turn in the special U turn lane, cut across all the lanes of traffic then make a right turn at the light from the other side of the intersection you started at or turn right and do basically the same thing. So, rather than having to go through one light you go through two (sometimes three) lights just to make a left. In an effort to be fair, I will stipulate that not every left turn has to be done in this way, but there are enough of them to make a person spend time re-plotting driving routes just to avoid them. Now, if they could put in roundabouts, I'd be a happy camper.


Stephen said...

I echo your sentiments exactly! Only, I fear the American driver and roundabouts -- could be quite dangerous!

reJoyce said...

Yes, I guess I'd have to concede that it's better to just enjoy the roundabouts in the UK.
