Wednesday, June 21, 2006

"Bellini" Iced Tea

Yesterday I had the pleasure of having lunch at the Olive Garden restaurant with several of my friends from church. Along with the good company and conversation, I had soup, salad and breadsticks, with OG's Bellini Raspberry Peach Iced Tea.

I have a thing for flavored iced teas, and having had good luck previously hunting down Paradise Tea after enjoying it in a CA restaurant, I decided to see what info I could find on the Bellini Raspberry Peach Iced Tea. So, with the help of Google, I was able to locate a web site called Tea Chat where there was a discussion going on about Bellini Iced Tea. Based on the info on the site, Bellini is not a name brand but a type of drink, champagne and peach juice (or possibly schnapps), from Italy (apparently a favorite of Hemingway). OG just uses that name for a mixture of tea, raspberry and peach syrup that they concoct.

So, I've ordered some raspberry and peach syrup and will be trying to make my own Raspberry Peach Iced Tea. Come to think of it, the Bellini favored by Hemingway sounds tempting, too.

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