Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Funny Pages

When I was a child, my Pop Scott would sit me on his knee and read to me from the funny pages. "And then Popeye says..." I loved it when he read me the funnies. It also usually involved a little bit of rib counting and liberal hugs. I only got the pleasure of having Pop read me the funnies during our yearly visits, as we lived in Illinois, and Pop and Mommie lived in Old Hickory, Tennessee. But, I still remember it many, many years later with fondness.

Now we don't get a newspaper. I read my comics online. I don't miss the black fingerprints from the newsprint at all, but I do miss the funnies page. Maybe that is why we have such a huge pile of comic collection books. My kids love to sit at the table at lunch time and read Foxtrot or Calvin and Hobbes while they are eating. Okay. I love to do it, too. It doesn't really matter that we have read them all before. Here are some of our favorites:

Calvin and Hobbes

It's a happy day for us when we are in a town with a Half-Price Books and find the comic collections aisle. Are there any comic strips that you like enough to buy the collections and re-read them?

1 comment:

Beverly said...

that is so sweet..

I remember the funny pages on Sunday being read to me..they were in color and that was so awesome!!
I can still hear the crinkling of the paper as the pages were turned...