Saturday, May 20, 2006

Four jobs I've had
1. Burger Flipper at Wendy's
2. Secretary at a Dermatologists Office
3. Fill in Church Secretary
4. Put together personal tape players

Four movies I could watch over and over (in no particular order):
1. BBC's Pride and Prejudice
2. Mulan
3. The Importance of Being Earnest
4. The Fifth Element

Four places I've lived:
1. Australia
2. The Netherlands
3. England
4. Guam

Four favorite TV shows
1. I can't really do this one.
2. Nothing comes to mind.
3. I do like detective shows, though...
4. and BBC miniseries

Four Vacations I've been on:
1. Hawaii, for six weeks! Heaven.
2. Grand Canyon, in the rain. Still beautiful
3. Amsterdam, an anniversary trip.
4. Spain, Italy, France via train.

Four websites I visit often:

Four favorite foods:
1. scrambled eggs and hashbrowns
2. roast beef and mashed potatoes
3. chicken fried steak with gravy
4. fresh strawberries

Four places you'd rather be:
1. heaven
2. in any bookstore
3. on the beach
4. on vacation

Four people to tag:
I won't do this since I don't really know who might like to participate. But, if you stop by and see it and would like to fill one out yourself, consider yourself tagged. If you do fill it out, leave a comment with a link.

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