Monday, October 12, 2009


It seems to be impossible to turn around without running into someone expressing their glee that autumn has arrived. Tweets, Facebook statuses, hay bales displaying pumpkins on porches, and to top it off just about every greeting starts off with "don't you just love this cooler weather?"*

Well, guess what? Not everyone is enamored with fall. Some people don't like being cold and aren't particularly fond of pumpkins (in the yard or in the pie). Others end up with severe headaches from all of the pumpkin spice candles that are burning everywhere. Cold weather brings on static electricity in hair and shocks when touching the shelves at the grocery store. Zillions of layers of clothes add to the laundry that must be done and feet as well as noses are going to be cold for the duration of the chilly weather. It even brings out the grumpy in die hard summerites. (Can you tell?)

Since politeness seems to dictate that a "Ugh, no! I hate cooler weather" is not an appropriate response to the greeting mentioned earlier, I'm shouting it to the blogosphere:

I don't like fall!

*[Incidentally. I really don't mind that some people like this time of year. I just don't like them assuming that I do, too. I'm thinking of responding to "Don't you love this cooler weather?" with "Well, it's not really my favorite but I'm glad you're enjoying it." Do you think that fits within the parameters of polite? Or should I just keep it to myself?]


reJoyce said...

Gracious. Cranky, aren't I?

Emily Grace said...

I like this entry. Very creative =)

Please read mine if you ever get the chance


The Gilly Billy said...
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