Friday, March 9, 2007

Peter's Tree

My Dad sent me a picture of our son Peter's tree today. It's planted on the grounds of the Westover Hills Church of Christ in Austin, TX, put there by our friends and the kids bible class. It's been there since 1993, planted during the year after his death. As far as we know this is only the second time in all those years that it has bloomed.

I'm too practical to think that there is anything miraculous about the tree not blooming. It's probably the soil or something. But, still.


Beverly said...

next time i visit westover I am going to find this tree... this is this mommy's heart going out to yours...i love you..

reJoyce said...

Thanks, Bev.

Oh, it's over to the left of the side entrance. There is a little plaque with his name on it, too.

happytheman said...

I'll go in that way Sunday. Thanks

Unknown said...

You think maybe it's because the tree is glad you've moved back to Texas?