Friday, March 17, 2006


"The scriptures will never keep together in union and fellowship members not in the spirit of the scriptures, which spirit is love, peace, unity, forebearance, and cheerful obedience. This is the spirit of the great Head of the body. I blush for my fellows, who hold up the Bible as the bond of union yet make their opinions of it tests of fellowship; who plead for the union of all Christians; yet refuse fellowship with such as dissent from their notions. Such antisectarian-sectarians are doing more mischief to the cause and advancement of truth, the unity of Christians, and the salvation of the world than all the skeptics in the world. In fact, they create skeptics."

-Barton W. Stone,
"Remarks", Christian Messenger
August 1835, p 180

Hear Rick Atchley on this subject here:
RHCC Sermons Online
scroll down to March 1, 2006 and pick your format

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