Friday, October 13, 2006

Linkage: Texas No. 1 in Sales

When we first moved to Michigan seven years ago, if I saw someone with a Longhorn t-shirt on, I could flash the "Hook 'em Horns" and get one in response. Lately however, I've noticed a huge rise in the number of Texas logo-ed garments wandering around West Michigan. I've quit trying to acknowledge them in any way though, because many of the people wearing the logo seem to have no idea what a Hook 'em Horns hand signal means and if asked have often never even been to Texas. I mentioned this to my folks when they were visiting, and my dad sent along this link:

Texas No. 1 in Sales

That at the least explains that. I was worried for a while that Texas folk had forgotten how to be proper UT fans!


Beverly said...

be very afraid...we are infiltrating the upper penninsula!

reJoyce said...

LOL, Bev!