Thursday, October 5, 2006

Food: Panera Bread

I just watched a man hand his cell phone to a cashier so the person on the other end of the line could place an order. Strange.

I'm at Panera Bread, having a little breakfast and waiting for new tires to be put on at a shop across the street. I knew Panera had a bakery, but had no idea the amount of business they do in the mornings. They've got six people working behind the counter and the queue has wavered back and forth from 15 people deep to four at the moment. I don't think the counter staff has had a break since before I arrived. I suppose some of the custom is just because Panera is trendy, but I can see why someone interested in a coffee and some fresh baked treat would come in here. The bakery selection beats Starbucks by a mile. I think I'd give Starbucks the prize for hot drink selection, though. So, I suppose it depends on what you are interested in. This morning I'm hanging out with the bakery crowd!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Their carmel lattes are almost as good as dunkin donuts (my personal fave). There is no sandwich on earth to compare to the sierra turkey though. To go please though.