Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Computers: Overflowing Mailbox

I was just checking my e-mail and noticed I've to 1390 messages stored there. And that does not include the ones that are automatically sorted into different folders. Most things I can keep in fairly decent order, but I have an awful time remembering to sort and delete e-mails after I'm done with them.

How many messages are stored on your mail program?


Scott said...

WOW - now THIS is serendipity. Since you suggested I look, I went and looked - 5,000 exactly as of this moment.

Keep in mind that does not include junk mail or subscription mail. Also, I actually LOST several years of emails during a reformat exercise in June 2004 - I had another 12k+ stored from before june 2004 (I was SICK when I discovered I had lost those emails).

I tend to keep almost all emails. As for sorting, I let the search string do the work on that.

Anonymous said...

I just switched to Outlook, but I get about 100 e-mails per day! Yikes. What about y'all?

reJoyce said...

Wow, Scott. My measly number is nothing compared to yours! And, it includes the subscriptions and junk that need to be sorted out. But, like you, I like to keep my personal correspondence. Otherwise I'd select all and delete!

Nancy - I use Mail a Mac program that is similar to Outlook. I definitely do not get 100 e-mails a day! I might manage 20 if you include subscriptions and junk. :-)

Beverly said...

Girl...Friend...I got 1106...!