Thursday, August 17, 2006

Movie: The Constant Gardener

My folks and I watched The Constant Gardener last night. My parents had listened to the audiobook, and thought they'd like to see the movie. I did not know anything about the movie, but was willing to give it a go. At the end of the film, which is just a little over two hours long, I felt rather disconcerted and a little sick to my stomach. I don't know if the premise of the movie is true or not, but there is something about the whole idea of big business walking all over the little guy that feels like it could be true.

I do know that contemplating that things like that could be happening in our world is very sobering. It's the kind of thing that makes me wonder what I should be doing to make a difference, yet also makes me wonder how on earth anything I could do would make any difference. Small wonder I don't like to watch movies like this one. I'm going to go and stick my head back in the sand, I think.

1 comment:

happytheman said...

you know I couldn't watch the film because after the first 30 mins the two most sacred things were on trial in my mind a pregnant women and a marriage. It made me sick to my stomach so I turned it off. Maybe I will do the book.