Monday, June 5, 2006

[meme] Ten Things I Have Done That You Probably Haven't

Now this is a tough one. I can't imagine that I've done that many things that others have not (other than things like marry my husband or give birth to my children, which isn't really the point of the exercise) but I'll give it a try.

1.) Lived on three different continents by the time I was 13. (Australia counts as a continent, right? I never can remember.)

2.) Been to 48 of the 50 states, most of them in the same car. (Still need Alaska and North Dakota.)

3.) Was born in the Harvard Medical School Hospital.

4.) All our kiddos were born at home, the fourth one assisted only by my husband. Been chewed out by a doctor for having a baby at home with no medical assistance.

5.) Helped one of my kids battle cancer for two years only to lose the fight when he was six years old. (I hope you never have to do this one.)

6.) Went to Stonehenge as a child before they put the barriers up around the stones. (I also went to Stonehenge seven times during our time in England.)

7.) Didn't get mad at my husband when he took a weekend backpacking trip that ended up costing over $1300.

8.) Lived on the East Coast, West Coast, in the Midwest and in the South of the USA.

9.) Watched the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice so many times I finally remember how to spell "prejudice" now.

10.) Had my artwork in a Dutch newspaper when I was seven years old.

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