Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Well, if I wait one more day it can be a month since I posted anything here. I know most bloggers out there will understand that sometimes it just isn't the right time to be blogging. It just hasn't been, and probably still isn't.

Really I just wanted to say something to anyone who might be finding Valentine's Day difficult. As I've mentioned before, we don't do "Hallmark Holidays" around here, but reading all the posts about love today got me to thinking about those who might be feeling depressed by Valentine's Day. I haven't got anything profound to say, I just felt like to acknowledging that holidays like today are not always easy for everyone.

God bless your day today, whether you've got a Valentine or not.


Beverly said...

Its funny it seemed like Christmas was the worst for me so far. You are so right though and I love you for your compassion...

Unknown said...

I guess I still think of most holidays as I did 60 and 70 years ago. Valentine's Day was just for school kids. It just kind of passed almost like a school assignment. I resist the commercialization of the old holidays. I don't want to be told when to show my love to someone.
And yes, of course many of those special days are hard for some people. Once when I was traveling across country I visited a church on Mother's Day. I was impressed that the minister touched on that very subject. Mother's Day is another day that could be hard for some people and not only if their mother has died. There are people who did not have a happy relationship with their mother.
I do pray for all to have a little sweet to temper the bitter memories.