Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Computers: Facebook

I've been playing with Facebook. I know I'm a little late coming to the party, but I'm here now and am having fun. I'm pretty low in the friends department, so if you'd like to be my Facebook friend, here is where to find me:

Joyce Kramar's Facebook profile


Beverly said...

Hey girlfriend, I just requested you as a friend!!

happytheman said...

cute toes....I hardly ever check myspace let alone having a what about microsoft live...hmmmm...

reJoyce said...

Bev, thanks for the add. (Can you tell I'm working on my Facebook lingo?) :-)

Happy, what is Microsoft Live? Is this another cool internet deal I'm going to end up wanting to spend far too much time on?

reJoyce said...

Oh, and about the feet:

My son was complaining to my husband that he thought it was a bit strange for me to have a picture of my feet on something called FACE book. But, they're the one part of me that still look good in a photo! ;-)