Monday, December 20, 2004

Couples Skate

Blogger Idol - First Dates

I would tend to agree with Jess that dating is a silly thing. I think it is especially silly for young teens to be "dating". Or really anyone who isn't old enough to be married. It's just a recipe for misbehaving. But, I'm digressing.

My mother used to tell me that she let me date early because she wanted me to have practice saying "no" as long as the boys had had practice trying to convince girls of "yes". This did not really work. (See above for recipe for misbehaving.)

My earliest memories of dating are the type where you met at the roller skating rink. Get dropped at the front door. Skate for two hours. Wait out front to be picked up again. Not much opportunity for yes or no there. The couples skate was the extent of intimacy and sometimes that was even done without holding hands. The misbehaving came much later down the line.

I suppose I'm showing my age by even mentioning roller skating rinks. So, I might as well confirm my "oldness" and end this with what was my actual first date: 19 February 1963. (Don't remember that one at all.)

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